Many a times you might have noticed that you start learning something , you sit for hours at a stretch and finish learning it. But after a few days when you try to remember what you had learned, you hardly remember anything. Every damn memory has disappeared as if Thanos has snapped his finger. This happens because of our brain.
Our brain is a complex organ in our body. It stores a lot of information and gets them back when needed. When you learn a thing at a stretch it is stored in some part of the brain. But if it is not revised within a specific period of time, our brain tends to treat that information as not that important and so we slowly start to forget those things. It works just like the capacitor , supplying energy once to store data is not sufficient, you have to keep supplying energy repeatedly and regularly. Otherwise the capacitor gets discharged and the stored data is lost. You also might have observed that we learn lyrics of a song very easily because we hear it lot of times, refreshing the stored data with a repeated and regular supply same info. The same way we should keep revising, what we had learned in our first sitting, regularly. This simple trick would save all the embarrassment at the exam or anywhere else.
The gist is keep learning and also regularly revise everything that you have learned. In the future I will tell on some other ways to learn effectively. Till then happy learning and don't forget to check out the podcast section.